
  Resumes starting with R
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Retail                                       03822   US-NH-Dover               
retail                                       15295   US-PA-Pittsburgh          
retail                                       45999   US-OH-Cincinnati          
Retail                                       80997   US-CO-Colorado Springs    
retail                                       30090   US-GA-Marietta            
Retail                                       15606   US-PA-Greensburg          
Retail                                       92199   US-CA-San Diego           
Retail                                       33697   US-FL-TAMPA               
Retail                                       76548   US-TX-Harker Heights      
Retail                                       33815   US-FL-Lakeland            
retail                                       91357   US-CA-Tarzana             
Retail                                               US-Pu-Lahore              
retail                                       31999   US-GA-Columbus            
Retail                                               US-FL-Cocount Creek       
RETAIL                                               US----DELHI,NCR           
Retail                                               US----Huntington          
RETAIL                                       30253   US-GA-McDonough           
Retail                                               US-Ga-Johannesburg        
Retail                                               CA----Kolkata             
Retail  dist/store manager                   11363   US-NY-Douglaston          
Retail  Manager                              48086   US-MI-Southfield          
RETAIL  manager                              M9N 2Y9 US-ON-Toronto             
Retail  service                              33547   US-FL-Lithia              
Retail & B2B Sales Mgmt, Cosmetologist &     84097   US-UT-Orem                
Retail & Channel Manager                             KE----                    

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