
  Resumes starting with R
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retail                                       87199   US-NM-Albuquerque         
retail                                       33351   US-FL-Lauderhill          
Retail                                       43506   US-OH-Bryan               
retail                                       88595   US-TX-EL PASO             
Retail                                       30073   US-GA-Decatur             
Retail                                       95067   US-CA-Santa Cruz          
Retail                                       95899   US-CA-Sacramento          
retail                                       22195   US-VA-Woodbridge          
Retail                                       94531   US-CA-Antioch             
Retail                                       08823   US-NJ-Franklin Park       
Retail                                       30999   US-GA-Augusta             
retail                                       60487   US-IL-Tinley Park         
Retail                                       11256   US-NY-Brooklyn            
retail                                       48663   US-MI-SAGINAW             
Retail                                               CA----Ajax                
retail                                               UK----birmingham          
retail                                       94497   US-CA-San Mateo           
retail                                       19255   US-PA-Philadelphia        
retail                                       92312   US-CA-Barstow             
Retail                                       10499   US-NY-Bronx               
retail                                               US----bristol             
Retail                                       02305   US-MA-Brockton            
retail                                       48390   US-MI-Commerce Township   
Retail                                       19947   US-DE-Georgetown          
Retail                                       08110   US-NJ-Camden              

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