
  Resumes starting with R
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Retail                                       45661   US-OH-Piketon             
Retail                                       56972   US-DC-Washington          
retail                                       07828   US-NJ-Budd Lake           
Retail                                               CA----Dīnānagar     
Retail                                       45999   US-OH-Cincinnati          
retail                                               ZA----johannesburg        
Retail                                       32719   US-FL-Winter Springs      
Retail                                               EU----Amsterdam           
Retail                                               US-So-Palembang           
Retail                                               US-Ga-Pretoria            
Retail                                               CA----Chennai             
Retail                                       34988   US-FL-Fort pierce         
Retail                                       45660   US-OH-peebles             
retail                                       33045   US-FL-key west            
retail                                       02476   US-MA-Arlington           
Retail                                       39901   US-GA-Atlanta             
Retail                                       10292   US-NY-new york            
retail                                       19906   US-DE-Dover               
retail                                       48101   US-MI-Allen Park          
Retail                                       91335   US-CA-Los Angeles         
retail                                       01501   US-MA-Auburn              
Retail                                       77299   US-TX-Houston             
Retail                                       50627   US-IA-Eldora              
Retail                                       11390   US-NY-Flushing            
Retail                                               US----bronx               

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