
  Resumes starting with R
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retail                                               OM----muscat              
Retail                                       32592   US-FL-Pensacola           
Retail                                       44005   US-OH-Ashtabula Area      
retail                                       23681   US-VA-Hampton             
Retail                                               US-We-Burdwan             
Retail                                       96022   US-CA-Cottonwood          
Retail                                       20659   US-MD-Mechanicsville      
Retail                                               ZA----Pretoria East       
retail                                               US----                    
retail                                       45854   US-OH-Lima                
retail                                       76210   US-TX-Denton              
Retail                                               US-Ga-Kempton Park        
Retail                                       90202   US-CA-BELL Gardens        
retail                                       39901   US-GA-Atlanta             
retail                                       21901   US-MD-North East          
Retail                                       77494   US-TX-Katy                
retail                                       84088   US-UT-WEST JORDAN         
retail                                       19906   US-DE-Dover               
Retail                                       89077   US-NV-Henderson           
Retail                                       10499   US-NY-Bronx               
Retail                                       88595   US-TX-El Paso             
retail                                       90659   US-CA-Norwalk             
Retail                                       66160   US-KS-kansas city,        
Retail                                               CA----Thoothukudi         
Retail                                       07544   US-NJ-Paterson            

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