
  Resumes starting with R
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retail                                       48128   US-MI-Dearborn            
retail                                       95747   US-CA-Roseville           
Retail                                       02228   US-MA-East Boston         
Retail                                       55317   US-MN-Chanhassen          
retail                                               US-GA-Atlanta Ga          
Retail                                       23005   US-VA-Ashland             
retail                                       53549   US-WI-JEFFERSON           
Retail                                       07015   US-NJ-Clifton             
retail                                       10292   US-NY-New york            
Retail                                       64683   US-MO-Trenton             
Retail                                               US-NY-Any of the 5 borough
retail                                       92557   US-CA-Moreno Valley       
Retail                                       06749   US-CT-Waterbury           
Retail                                       85338   US-AZ-goodyear            
Retail                                       80247   US-CO-Aurora              
Retail                                       49599   US-MI-Grand Rapids        
retail                                               US----New Britain         
retail                                               IN----                    
Retail                                       32588   US-FL-Niceville           
Retail                                               CA----Nairobi             
Retail                                       97317   US-OR-salem               
retail                                               US-GA-stonemountain       
Retail                                       10499   US-NY-Bronx               
Retail                                       33179   US-FL-Miami Gardens       
Retail                                       14280   US-NY-Buffalo             

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