
  Resumes starting with R
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Restaurant Service Leader/Supervisor                 PH----                    
Restaurant Service,cosmetologist             37250   US-TN-Nashville           
Restaurant Social                            H5B 1K5 US-QC-Montreal            
Restaurant Sous Chef                                 US-Ca-Casablanca          
Restaurant Specialist                        11256   US-NY-Brooklyn            
restaurant staff                                     PH----tondo manila        
Restaurant Staff                                     US-DL-New Delhi           
Restaurant Staff                                     PH----                    
Restaurant staff                                     US-NC-Mandaluyong         
Restaurant staff                                     US----Dubai               
restaurant staff                                     PH----Makati City         
Restaurant Staff                                     US-Qu-Quezon City         
Restaurant staff                             90612   US-CA-Whittier            
Restaurant Staff                                     PH----Quezon City         
Restaurant Staff                             95976   US-CA-Chico               
Restaurant staff                                     US-We-Knysna              
restaurant staff                                     PH----                    
Restaurant Staff                                     PH----Manila              
Restaurant staff                                     US-NC-Caloocan            
Restaurant staff                                     AE----                    
restaurant staff                                     JP----                    
restaurant staff                                     JP----Motoazabu           
Restaurant Staff                                     US-Sh-Sharjah             
Restaurant staff                                     AP----                    
Restaurant staff                                     US-Ma-Manila              

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