
  Resumes starting with R
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Restaurant Server Line Cook                  84094   US-UT-Sandy               
Restaurant Server Loss Prevention            29379   US-SC-Union               
Restaurant Server Mixologist Bartending      92235   US-CA-Cathedral City      
Restaurant Server Retail Sales               V5S 3S5 US-BC-Burnaby             
Restaurant Server Sales Manager              38902   US-MS-Grenada             
Restaurant Server Service Representative     31561   US-GA-Brunswick           
Restaurant Server Shift Manager              72404   US-AR-Jonesboro           
restaurant server supervisor                         CA----                    
Restaurant Server Teacher Assistant          73558   US-OK-Lawton              
Restaurant Server Warehouse                  11256   US-NY-Brooklyn            
Restaurant server/cashier/food prep assis    C1N 6W2 US-PE-Summerside          
Restaurant Server/Host                       91335   US-CA-Los Angeles         
Restaurant Server/Student                    90899   US-CA-Long Beach          
Restaurant Server/Trainer                    80299   US-CO-Denver              
Restaurant service                                   US-Ca-Casablanca          
Restaurant Service                                   US-Te-Hyderabad           
Restaurant Service                                   US-Qu-Quezon City         
Restaurant Service                                   US-Ma-Marrakesh           
Restaurant Service                                   US-Ab-Abidjan             
Restaurant Service                           02191   US-MA-Weymouth            
Restaurant service                                   US-Ba-Lemery              
Restaurant Service                           70047   US-LA-Destrehan           
Restaurant Service Classroom Teacher                 US-Ta-Dagupan             
Restaurant Service High School                       US-M'-M'Sila              
Restaurant Service kelibia Tunisia 8090              US-AB-City Centre         

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