
  Resumes starting with O
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Operations / Project management                      US-IN-Hyderabad           
Operations / Project Management              35763   US-AL-Owens X Rds         
Operations / Project Management / Leaders    55033   US-MN-Hastings            
Operations / Project Manager                 27699   US-NC-Raleigh             
Operations / Project Manager                 92587   US-CA-Sun City            
Operations / Project Manager                         US----Quincy              
Operations / Project Manager                 11106   US-NY-ASTORIA             
Operations / Project Manager/Service Desk    75398   US-TX-Dallas              
Operations / Quality Manager                 67278   US-KS-Wichita             
Operations / Regional Manager                T4L 2P4 US-AB-Lacombe             
Operations / Sales Manager                   78799   US-TX-Austin              
Operations / security                        93962   US-CA-Salinas             
Operations / Supervisor                              US-OH-Eastate             
Operations / Supply Chain Director                   MX----Mexico City         
Operations / Supply Chain Leader             96099   US-CA-Redding             
Operations / Technology Manger               55317   US-MN-Chanhassen          
Operations /Admin Manager                            US-Ta-Chennai             
Operations /Logistics                        92728   US-CA-Fountain Valley     
Operations /Mgrmt/                           19899   US-DE-Wilmington          
Operations /Plant Manager                    08054   US-NJ-Mount Laurel        
Operations /Program Management               60138   US-IL-Glen Ellyn          
Operations /Quality Engineer Intern                  US----Ridgway             
operations /sales manager                    77346   US-TX-Kingwood            
operations /Supply chain - foods & FMCGs             US-MA-Alexanderia         
Operations Account Clerk                     94555   US-CA-Fremont             

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