
  Resumes starting with O
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Operations / General Manager                 76226   US-TX-Argyle              
Operations / General Manager                 32082   US-FL-Ponte Vedra Beach   
Operations / General Manager                 22093   US-VA-Ashburn             
Operations / General Manager                 77299   US-TX-Houston             
Operations / HR Manager                              US----Manchester          
Operations / Inventory Analyst               44799   US-OH-Canton              
Operations / Inventory Management            21132   US-MD-Pylesville          
Operations / Logistics                               QA----Al Dafna            
Operations / Logistics / Chain Supply        71613   US-AR-Pine Bluff          
Operations / Logistics Manager               21084   US----Jarrettsville       
Operations / Manufacturing Leader            17366   US-PA-Windsor             
Operations / Office Manager                  02027   US-MA-Dedham              
Operations / Plant Managaer                  35043   US-AL-Chelsea             
Operations / Plant Manager                   77299   US-TX-Houston             
Operations / Plant Manager                   02298   US-MA-boston              
Operations / Plant Manager                   92883   US-CA-Corona              
Operations / Plant Manager                   29356   US-SC-Landrum             
Operations / Plant Manager                   17415   US-PA-York                
Operations / Procurement Manager             53168   US-WI-Salem               
Operations / Production Manager              30119   US-GA-Carrollton          
Operations / Production Manager              07777   US-NJ-Holmdel             
Operations / Production Manager                      US-SK-Canada and USA      
operations / production supervisor           45176   US-OH-Williamsburg        
Operations / Production Worker               98338   US-WA-Graham              
Operations / Program / Project / Informat    28451   US-NC-Leland              

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