  Resumes starting with C
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Customer Service Grill Cook                  15295   US-PA-Pittsburgh          
Customer Service Grill Cook                  39901   US-GA-Atlanta             
Customer Service Grill Cook                  67278   US-KS-Wichita             
Customer Service Grill Cook                  29536   US-SC-Dillon              
Customer Service Grill Cook                          US-Ba-Tathali             
Customer Service Grill Cook                  93292   US-CA-Visalia             
Customer Service Grocery                     19899   US-DE-Wilmington          
Customer Service Grocery Clerk               56201   US-MN-Willmar             
Customer Service Grocery Clerk               18025   US-PA-Bethlehem           
Customer Service Grocery Clerk               T1C 4X3 US-AB-Medicine Hat        
Customer Service Grocery Clerk               N2V 2Y8 US-ON-Waterloo            
Customer Service Grocery Clerk               M9N 3Z9 US-ON-North York          
Customer Service Grocery Manager                     US-SC-Berea               
Customer Service Grocery Manager             99216   US-WA-Spokane Valley      
Customer Service Grocery Manager             85385   US-AZ-Peoria              
Customer Service Grocery Manager             99694   US-AK-Wasilla             
Customer Service Grocery Manager             27265   US-NC-High Point          
Customer Service Grocery Retail              97291   US-OR-Cedar Mill          
Customer Service Grocery Retail              93888   US-CA-Fresno              
Customer Service Grocery Retail              97307   US-OR-Keizer              
Customer Service Grocery Stocker             08110   US-NJ-Camden              
Customer Service Grocery Stocker             31040   US-GA-Dublin              
Customer Service Grocery Stocker             77299   US-TX-Houston             
Customer Service Grocery Store               76227   US-TX-Aubrey              
Customer Service Grocery Store                       US-Dh-Dhaka               

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