  Resumes starting with C
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Customer Service Graphic Designer            77396   US-TX-Humble              
Customer Service Graphic Designer            92546   US-CA-Hemet               
Customer Service Graphic Designer            01887   US-MA-Wilmington          
Customer Service Graphic Designer            60527   US-IL-Willowbrook         
Customer Service Graphic Designer,Sales              US-Va-Valparaiso          
Customer Service Greater                     48180   US-MI-Taylor              
Customer Service Greater                             US-Ma-Manila              
Customer Service Greater                             US-Ga-Gaborone            
Customer Service Greater                             US-OH-Zimmerman           
Customer Service Greater                     78299   US-TX-San Antonio         
Customer Service Greater                     73083   US-OK-Edmond              
Customer Service Greater                             US-Gr-Old Trafford        
Customer Service Greater                     19015   US-PA-Brookhaven          
Customer Service Greater                     33784   US-FL-St. Petersburg      
Customer Service Greater                     17901   US-PA-Pottsville          
Customer Service Greater                             US-La-Lagos               
Customer Service Greater                             US-Ga-Johannesburg        
Customer Service Greater                             US-Ca-Balulang            
Customer Service Greater                     77299   US-TX-Houston             
Customer Service Greater                     72611   US-AR-Alpena              
Customer Service Greater                     75063   US-TX-Irving              
Customer Service Green River                 98199   US-WA-Seattle             
Customer Service Greenback                   95628   US-CA-Fair Oaks           
Customer Service Greeting Card               39335   US-MS-Lauderdale          
Customer Service Griffith                    99216   US-WA-Spokane Valley      

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