
  Resumes starting with R
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Resident Assistant                           31324   US-GA-Richmond Hill       
Resident Assistant                           45631   US-OH-Gallipolis          
Resident Assistant                           37133   US-TN-Murfreesboro        
Resident Assistant                           45314   US-OH-Cedarville          
Resident Assistant                           48980   US-MI-Lansing             
Resident Assistant                           94587   US-CA-Union City          
Resident Assistant                           80602   US-CO-Thornton            
Resident Assistant                           33784   US-FL-Saint Petersburg    
resident assistant                                   US----Akron               
Resident Assistant                           02149   US-MA-Everett             
Resident Assistant                           44199   US-OH-Cleveland           
Resident Assistant                           87174   US-NM-Rio Rancho          
Resident Assistant                           33422   US-FL-West Palm Beach     
Resident Assistant                           14280   US-NY-Buffalo             
Resident Assistant                           46135   US-IN-Greencastle         
Resident Assistant                           54473   US-WI-Rosholt             
Resident Assistant                                   US-TX-NRH                 
Resident Assistant                                   BS----Nassau              
Resident Assistant                           31999   US-GA-Columbus            
Resident Assistant                           43127   US-OH-Haydenville         
resident assistant                           54495   US-WI-Wisconsin Rapids    
Resident Assistant                           02298   US-MA-Boston              
Resident Assistant                           35456   US-AL-Duncanville         
Resident Assistant                           44145   US-OH-Westlake            
Resident assistant                           79508   US-TX-Buffalo Gap         

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