
  Resumes starting with R
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Research or Development or Nuclear or Phy    30090   US-GA-Marietta            
Research or Diagnostic in Molecular Biolo            US----Pittsburgh          
Research or Economic or Financial or Anay    85099   US-AZ-Phoenix             
research or education or analyst or proje    53295   US-WI-Milwaukee           
research or engineer                         48071   US-MI-Madison Heights     
Research or Engineering or Manufacturing     77299   US-TX-Houston             
research or field biology or environmenta    92710   US-CA-Irvine              
Research or Forensics or Government          06484   US-CT-Shelton             
Research or forensics or medical             23551   US-VA-Norfolk             
Research or GIS Assistant                    14223   US-NY-Kenmore             
Research or Intelligence or Instructor or    93923   US-CA-Carmel              
Research or Investigator or Scientist or     61803   US-IL-Urbana              
research or lab or environmental             21078   US-MD-Havre de Grace      
Research or Laboratory Operations or Dire    20876   US-MD-GERMANTOWN          
Research or Librarian or Administrative A    95409   US-CA-Santa Rosa          
Research or Library Assistant                10292   US-NY-New York City       
Research or MEMS or Microfluidics or Bioc    12065   US-NY-Clifton Park        
Research or professor or clinician or psy    33332   US-FL-Hollywood           
Research or Quality or Six Sigma                     US-FL-Ponce               
Research or Reference Librarian or Inform    91335   US-CA-Los Angeles         
Research or Regulatory or Compliance or A    75085   US-TX-Richardson          
research or scientist or R&D engineer        10292   US-NY-New York            
Research or welding engineer                         US----Dallas              
research or wildlife or zookeeper                    US-FL-port st. lucie      
research oriented                                    IN----Imphāl           

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