
  Resumes starting with Q
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Quantity Surveyor                                    QA----Doha                
Quantity Surveyor                                    CN----Beijing             
Quantity Surveyor                                    KE----                    
Quantity Surveyor                                    AE----Dubai               
Quantity Surveyor                                    AE----Satwa               
Quantity surveyor                                    QA----Rawdat Al Khail     
Quantity Surveyor                                    QA----Fereej Ibn Dirhem   
Quantity Surveyor                                    US-Ka-Tarauni             
Quantity Surveyor                                    US-Ta-Chennai             
quantity surveyor                                    US-Ka-Vasant Nagar        
Quantity surveyor                                    CA----Coimbatore          
Quantity surveyor                                    US-An-Tirupati            
Quantity surveyor                                    US-Du-Dubai               
QUANTITY SURVEYOR                                    IN----Chennai             
Quantity Surveyor                                    SA----                    
QUANTITY SURVEYOR                                    NG----Suleja              
Quantity surveyor                                    IN----Bengaluru           
Quantity Surveyor & Site Engineer                    MM----Yangon              
Quantity Surveyor (Bsc Civil) with 5 year            QA----Doha                
Quantity Surveyor (Civil Engineer)                   IN----Patna               
Quantity Surveyor (Civil)                            US-Du-Dubai               
Quantity Surveyor (MPF)                              US-Ma-Manila              
Quantity Surveyor - Civil (with transfera            US-Ri-Riyadh              
Quantity Surveyor - Civil Engineering                US-Ma-Jeddah              
Quantity Surveyor - Joinery & Fit Outs               US-Ga-Kelaniya            

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