
  Resumes starting with O
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Operator Welding                             T8X 8C9 US-AB-Grande Prairie      
Operator Welding                             72295   US-AR-Little Rock         
Operator Welding                             78064   US-TX-Pleasanton          
Operator Welding                                     US-MN-Ottawa Township     
Operator Westrock                            13090   US-NY-Liverpool           
Operator Wind                                        US-Ma-Mumbai              
Operator | Foreman                                   US-TX-None                
Operator(Chemical, Acid, Refinery)                   US----Anywhere            
Operator, Artist, photographer, Admin, PA            US-Kw-Durban              
Operator, Customer service, shipping and     53490   US-WI-Racine              
Operator, Driller, Forman                            US-BC-Wetaskiwin          
Operator, job setter, and machine repairm    32899   US-FL-Orlando             
Operator, Laborer                            43299   US-OH-Columbus            
Operator, Lead, on to current as Producti    54923   US-WI-Berlin              
operator, line leader                        39183   US-MS-Vicksburg           
Operator, Maintenance for Bindery departm    07643   US----Little Ferry        
Operator, Manufacturing positions            60901   US-IL-Kankakee            
Operator, Material Handler                   31421   US-GA-Savannah            
Operator, Measurement, SCADA                 80107   US-CO-Elizabeth           
Operator, Mechanic, Welder, Class A comme            US-CA-Westminister        
Operator, Mechanic, Welder, Class A comme            US-CA-Westminister        
Operator, Supervisor                                 US-ID-Coeur d'Alene       
operator, welder, fabricator                 98932   US-WA-Granger             
Operator, Welding, pipeline lab              T1S 2P4 US-AB-Okotoks             
Operator, well testing, operator producti    80639   US-CO-Greeley             

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