
  Resumes starting with O
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Operator Representative                      76932   US-TX-Big Lake            
Operator Representative                              US-Ga-Kempton Park        
Operator Resources Manager                           US-Gr-Accra               
Operator Restaurant                                  QA----Tripoli             
Operator Rig                                         US-Ta-Chennai             
Operator Rig                                         US-Em-Dubai               
Operator Rig                                         US-No-Rustenburg          
Operator Rig,lease Operator,reverse unit     79756   US-TX-Monahans            
Operator Rigger                              98199   US-WA-Seattle             
Operator Rock                                78683   US-TX-Round Rock          
Operator Safety                              93390   US-CA-Bakersfield         
Operator Safety                              T0B 0S0 US-AB-Bruderheim          
Operator Safety                                      DZ----El Oued             
Operator Safety                                      US-AB-Alexis Nakota Sioux 
Operator Safety                              78014   US-TX-Cotulla             
Operator Safety                              92337   US-CA-Fontana             
Operator Safety                              T6X 2A3 US-AB-Edmonton            
Operator Safety                                      US-Hi-Shimla              
Operator Safety                              39901   US-GA-Atlanta             
Operator Safety                              27499   US-NC-Greensboro          
Operator Safety                              S7W 1C3 US-SK-Saskatoon           
Operator Safety                                      US-La-Lagos               
Operator Safety                              75462   US-TX-Paris               
Operator Safety                              T6X 2A3 US-AB-Edmonton            
Operator Safety                              60436   US-IL-Shorewood           

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