
  Resumes starting with O
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Operator Machine                             30127   US-GA-Powder Springs      
Operator Machine                             33888   US-FL-Winter Haven        
Operator Machine                                     US-Ab-Abu Dhabi           
Operator Machine                                     US-Ta-Taichung            
Operator Machine                             72404   US-AR-Jonesboro           
Operator Machine Crane                       35299   US-AL-Birmingham          
Operator Machine Crib Attendant              29492   US-SC-Charleston          
Operator Machine Customer Service            36849   US-AL-Auburn              
Operator Machine Customer Service            92377   US-CA-Rialto              
Operator Machine Data Entry                  90224   US-CA-Compton             
Operator Machine Data Entry                  88595   US-TX-El Paso             
Operator Machine Equipment                           US----Wilson              
Operator Machine Executive Secretary         78299   US-TX-San Antonio         
Operator Machine Forklift                    77299   US-TX-Houston             
Operator Machine Forklift                    77535   US-TX-Dayton              
Operator Machine Forklift                    34613   US-FL-Spring Hill         
Operator Machine Forklift                    30016   US-GA-Covington           
Operator Machine Forklift                    53295   US-WI-Milwaukee           
Operator Machine Forklift                    19255   US-PA-Philadelphia        
Operator Machine Forklift                    17834   US-PA-Kulpmont            
Operator Machine General Foreman             35299   US-AL-Birmingham          
Operator Machine Heavy Equipment             49048   US-MI-Kalamazoo           
Operator Machine Production                  41042   US-KY-Florence            
Operator Machine Production Worker           76199   US-TX-Fort Worth          
Operator Machine Sec                                 US-Ta-Mettur              

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