
  Resumes starting with O
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Operator Computer                                    US-Ha-Gohana              
Operator Computer                                    US-Ut-Lucknow             
Operator Computer                                    US-NY-Richmond County     
Operator Computer                                    US-Fe-Kuala Lumpur        
Operator Computer                            55128   US-MN-Oakdale             
Operator Computer                                    US-Ut-Bhadaini            
Operator Computer                                    US-Bu-Marilao             
Operator Computer                                    US-Hi-Solan               
Operator Computer                                    US-Ta-Chennai             
Operator Computer                                    US-MP-Gwalior             
Operator Computer                                    US-De-Delhi               
Operator Computer                            19010   US-PA-Bryn Mawr           
Operator Computer                            07111   US-NJ-Irvington           
Operator Computer                                    US-De-Delhi               
Operator Computer                                    US-Kh-Peshawar            
Operator Computer Engineering                        US-Ca-Cavite City         
Operator Computer Science                            US-NC-Quezon City         
Operator Computer Science                            PH----Pasig               
Operator Concrete                            75398   US-TX-Dallas              
Operator Concrete                            43299   US-OH-Columbus            
Operator Conductive Assembler                44626   US-OH-East Sparta         
Operator Construction                        33299   US-FL-Miami               
Operator Construction                        V9X 1Y1 US-BC-Nanaimo             
Operator Construction                                NG----Abuja               
Operator Construction                                US-Co-Boralesgamuwa       

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