
  Resumes starting with O
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Operations Mgr or Territory Sales Mgr or             US-PA-McVeytown           
Operations mgr, heavy equipment operator     54492   US-WI-Stevens Point       
Operations Mgr, QA Mgr, Quality Auditor,     19640   US-PA-Reading             
Operations Mgr.                              85340   US-AZ-Litchfield Park     
Operations Mgr.                              45629   US-OH-Franklin Furnace    
OPERATIONS MGR.                                      US-PA-BETHLEHEM-ALLENTOWN 
Operations Mgr.                              46904   US-IN-Kokomo              
Operations Mgr. or Procurement Mgr. or Co    68028   US-NE-Gretna              
Operations Mgr. Senior Underwriter           83607   US-ID-Caldwell            
Operations Mgt or Warehouse or logistics     02703   US-MA-Attleboro           
Operations MIS                                       US-PQ-Montreal            
Operations NCOIC (Manager)                   76544   US-TX-Fort Hood           
Operations NCOIC Troop Command               33697   US-FL-Tampa               
Operations Nurse Appeals RN                  23630   US-VA-Newport News        
Operations of two facilities knowledge of    77433   US-TX-Cypress             
Operations office assistant                          IN----Satna               
operations office manager                    07099   US-NJ-Kearny              
Operations Office Manager/Patient Represe    30049   US-GA-Lawrenceville       
Operations Officer                                   US-TX-Fort Worth TX       
OPERATIONS OFFICER                                   KE----                    
operations officer                                   PH----Mandaluyong         
operations officer                                   TZ----                    
Operations Officer                           75085   US-TX-Richardson          
Operations Officer                           60542   US-IL-North Aurora        
Operations officer                                   KE----Kahawa              

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