
  Resumes starting with O
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Operations Manager                                   US----Baltimore           
Operations Manager                           74194   US-OK-Tulsa               
Operations manager                                   CA----Kolkata             
Operations Manager                           86441   US-AZ-Dolan Springs       
Operations Manager                                   US-GE-Geneva              
Operations Manager                           77396   US-TX-Humble              
Operations Manager                           08012   US-NJ-Blackwood           
Operations Manager                           77575   US-TX-Liberty             
operations manager                           07403   US-NJ-Bloomingdale        
Operations Manager                                   PH----Quezon City         
Operations Manager                           23060   US-VA-Glen Allen          
Operations Manager                           29492   US-SC-Charleston          
OPERATIONS MANAGER                                   US-Ea-Dammam              
Operations Manager                           39652   US-MS-Magnolia            
OPERATIONS MANAGER                           77396   US-TX-Humble              
Operations Manager                           45490   US-OH-Dayton              
Operations Manager                                   US-Te-Hyderabad           
Operations Manager                           65899   US-MO-Springfield         
Operations Manager                           07477   US-NJ-Wayne               
Operations Manager                                   US-HR-Gurugram            
Operations Manager                           38804   US-MS-Tupelo              
Operations Manager                           93888   US-CA-Fresno              
Operations Manager                                   US-We-Cape Town           
Operations Manager                           77336   US-TX-Huffman             
Operations Manager                           18106   US-PA-Wescosville         

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