
  Resumes starting with O
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Operations Management                        60604   US-IL-Chicago             
Operations Management                        77299   US-TX-Houston             
Operations Management                        21146   US-MD-Severna Park        
Operations Management                        76063   US-TX-Mansfield           
Operations Management                        66071   US-KS-Paola               
Operations Management                        94199   US-CA-San Francisco       
Operations Management                        78135   US-TX-New Braunfels       
Operations Management                        95747   US-CA-Roseville           
Operations Management                        30189   US-GA-Woodstock           
Operations Management                        08527   US-NJ-Jackson             
Operations Management                        06137   US-CT-West Hartford       
Operations Management                                US-TX-Dallas/Ft Worth area
Operations Management                        44199   US-OH-Cleveland           
Operations Management                                US-Fi-Fier                
Operations Management                        49599   US-MI-Grand Rapids        
Operations Management                        75799   US-TX-Tyler               
Operations Management                        80997   US-CO-Colorado Springs    
Operations Management                                US-CA-SanJose             
Operations Management                        68157   US-NE-Bellevue            
Operations Management                                US-TX-Harrison            
Operations Management                        11798   US-NY-Wheatley Heights    
Operations Management                        11099   US-NY-New Hyde Park       
Operations Management                        60089   US-IL-Buffalo Grove       
Operations Management                        30599   US-GA-Commerce            
Operations Management                        91944   US-CA-La Mesa             

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