
  Resumes starting with O
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Operations Excellence Director                       JO----Amman               
Operations Excellence Lean Project Manage            CA----vancuvar            
Operations Excellence Manager                        PH----Poblacion           
Operations Excellence Manager                98087   US-WA-Lynnwood            
Operations Excellence Manager - OYO                  CA----Delhi               
Operations Excellence, Lean, Process Impr    80138   US-CO-Parker              
Operations Excellence/ Health, Envrionmen    30268   US-GA-Palmetto            
operations execuitive                        62052   IN----New Delhi           
Operations Executive                                 CA----Delhi               
Operations Executive                         32198   US-FL-Daytona Beach       
Operations Executive                                 EU----                    
Operations Executive                                 IN----Secunderabad        
Operations Executive                                 CA----Bengaluru           
Operations executive                                 CA----Tiruchirappalli     
Operations Executive                         91526   US-CA-Burbank             
Operations Executive                                 PH----Mauban              
Operations Executive                         43065   US-OH-Powell              
Operations Executive                                 US-Te-Hyderabad           
Operations Executive                         30077   US-GA-Roswell             
Operations Executive                         39901   US-GA-Atlanta             
Operations Executive                                 CA----                    
Operations Executive                                 IN----Jaipur              
Operations Executive                                 GB----London              
Operations Executive                                 US----Ras Al Khaimah City 
Operations Executive                         19899   US-DE-Wilmington, Delaware

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