
  Resumes starting with O
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Operation / Manager                          27265   US-NC-High Point          
operation / sales/ projects                          SA----any city            
Operation / Warehouse Management             92270   US-CA-Rancho Mirage       
Operation / Warehouse Manager                        US----souther us          
operation /marketing                                 IN----Darya Ganj          
Operation acoustic                                   CA----Powai               
operation admin                              95067   US-CA-Santa Cruz          
Operation Admistation                        S4Z 1A9 US-SK-Regina              
Operation Agent Outlet Manager                       US-Ta-Chennai             
Operation ana maintenance telecom network            US----UAE                 
Operation Analysis Superintendent                    AE----Dubai               
Operation Analyst                                    IN----                    
Operation Analyst                            60411   US-IL-Lynwood             
Operation Analyst                                    IN----Gurgaon             
Operation analyst                                    US-Ma-Mumbai              
Operation Analyst                            10292   US-NY-New York, NY        
Operation Analyst                                    BH----Manama              
Operation Analyst                            30078   US-GA-Snellville          
Operation Analyst                            60411   US-IL-Lynwood             
Operation analyst                                    IN----Bengaluru           
Operation analyst                                    CA----Chennai             
Operation Analyst                            38197   US-TN-Memphis             
operation analyst                                    PH----                    
Operation Analyst                            45837   US-OH-Continental         
Operation Analyst ,Payroll processing Ret    80401   US-CO-Lakewood            

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