
  Resumes starting with O
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open to new things                           23630   US-VA-Newport News        
Open to offers!                              64999   US-MO-Kansas City         
Open to opportunities                        39047   US-MS-Brandon             
open to opportunities                        70785   US-LA-Walker              
open to opportunity                          07850   US-NJ-Landing             
Open to options                              33092   US-FL-Homestead           
open to options                                      US-IL-round lake il       
open to relocation and position in any wa    49599   US-MI-Grand Rapids        
Open to suggestion                           20653   US-MD-Lexington Park      
Open to Suggestions                          89403   US-NV-Dayton              
Open to suggestions                                  US-Ga-Vanderbijlpark      
Open to suggestions/recommendations          89199   US-NV-Las Vegas           
Open to the right opportunity                77489   US-TX-Missouri City       
Open to variety                                      US-MI-Oakland County      
open to various                              02145   US-MA-somerville          
Open to Various Positions                    10499   US-NY-Bronx               
open to work                                         US-Ma-Mumbai              
open vms consultant capacity planner         93556   US-CA-Ridgecrest          
OPEN VMS, COBOL LEAD                                 IN----Bangalore           
Open, any                                    92203   US-CA-indio               
Open, Customer Service, Team Lead,           85099   US-AZ-Phoenix             
Open-minded, adaptable, strong analytical            US-Em-Dubai               
open.. Want to work..                                US-WA-everett/seattle/mary
Opencart,wordpress,hrml,css,c                        US-Ut-Noida               
opened for any oppertunities                         US----sudbury             

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