
  Resumes starting with H
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Head of IT Solutions or Project Managemen    95196   US-CA-San Jose            
Head of IT support                                   QA----Doha                
Head of IT, PMO                                      US-Ka-Kampala District    
Head of IT, Senior System administrator              RU----Samara              
Head of IT, VP                               80163   US-CO-Highlands Ranch     
Head of Key Accounts Management                      PH----                    
Head of Key Partnerships                     03053   US-NH-Londonderry         
Head of Laboratories                                 IN----Chennai             
Head of Laboratory Services.                 48864   US-MI-Okemos              
Head of Labs and FFA for AT&T                75028   US-TX-Flower Mound        
Head of Language Arts DEpartment                     GT----                    
Head of Language Arts Department                     GT----El Salvador         
head of Latam division                       33299   US-FL-Miami               
Head of Lean & Change Management Practice    33239   US-FL-Miami Beach         
Head of Learning & Development (VP)          28106   US-NC-Matthews            
Head of Learning & Development/L&D Superv    91335   US-CA-LOS ANGELES         
Head of Learning, Director of Talent Deve    98599   US-WA-Olympia             
Head of legal                                        BR----Rio de Janeiro      
head of Legal                                        ID----Jakarta             
Head of legal                                        US-Du-Dubai               
Head of Legal                                        IE----                    
Head of Legal                                        ID----Rumbai              
Head of Legal                                        ES----Vallecas            
head of legal and corporative                        NG----                    

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