Jobvertise Resume Search Tips
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If you are getting too few results
  • Select the option "including candidates willing to relocate". This will automatically include people willing to relocate throughout the region, country or world.

  • Use the keyword OR. For example, Solaris OR Linux will return resumes with either Solaris or Linux, giving you more results.

  • Try searching by "State" only. Selecting a state and leaving the "City" field blank will return all candidates in that state regardless of relocation preference.

  • When using the "City" field, increase the radius. A larger radius will expand your search and include more resumes
If you are getting too many results
  • Use specific search keywords. What makes who you are looking for unique? For example, Redhat Systems Administrator will yield more targeted results than Systems Administrator.

  • Search on exact phrases using quotes. For example, "Director of Marketing" will only return resumes with all words next to each other including the spaces.

  • Narrow down your search results with and. For example, database and (mysql or postgresSQL)

  • Combine keywords with phrases in quotes For example, Linux and "Systems Administrator" will only return resumes that have the word "Linux" with the exact phrase "Systems Administrator".

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