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Backend Engineer
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Job Summary:
We are looking for a person who can design, develop, operate and maintain our services and mission-critical systems, including those of our group companies, as well as in-house SE.

Job Description:
Auction site for used trucks and construction equipment Auction service using a proprietary bidding system. We develop all related systems in-house, from setting up post-auction options to payment and transportation. By automating a portion of the process from pre-auction inspection, purchase, and pickup arrangements for products, the system contributes to more efficient operation of personnel. We will continue to develop the system to improve its functionality.

Must be a JPL Level N1, N2 or N3.
Must be a foreigner currently residing in Japan
Experience in any kind of system development (Languages: PHP, JAVA, C, C++) *Any number of years of experience is acceptable Experience in any kind of system development (languages: PHP, JAVA, C, C++) *Years of experience are not required. Welcome Experience in system development using PHP or any of the following OS: Linux, Windows, DB: MySQL *Welcome those who aim to become a full-stack engineer.

WHR Global Consulting

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