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VA - RN ICU Nights
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36/48 scheduleNights 7pm - 7amExcellent leadership team that works well with travelers. Travelers are treated "like one of their own". Traveler must live 100 miles or > from the hospital s service area. General orientation will begin on Sundays. Sunday will be online CBLs and Monday will begin in person classroom training.Please include in the confirmation: 16 hours of nonbillable orientation. Hospital can cancel/call off one shift biweekly without a financial penalty if there is a decrease in census.I can start the traveler any Sunday that you can complete the compliance documents by the deadline.

Shift: Nights 7pm - 7am

Specialty Type: Nursing

Sub Specialties: Registered Nurse

General Certifications : ACLS BLS/BCLS

Relig Staffing, Inc.

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